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The Worship Media Handbook Bonus Chapter: Overhead Projectors

By November 17th, 2017Articles

Don’t underestimate the power of the overhead projector. This marvel of engineering is the most underrated tool for projecting worship lyrics in churches today. When wielded correctly, the overhead projector will outperform any other piece of technology you pit against it.

Here are five fresh tips for getting the most out of your overhead projector this Sunday.

1. More Is Better

The more lines of text you put on the screen at once the better. It is a lot of work switching those transparency sheets, so you want to keep your duties to a minimum. If you have the knowhow, putting the lyrics of your entire worship set on one sheet would create the most efficient presentation possible. You’ed achieve the highest level of technical efficiency among your and church tech peers.

2. Choose Your Fonts Wisely

Don’t use a classic serif font for your text and don’t even think about using one of those hip script fonts all the cool churches are using. You need to pick a font that is as dated as your overhead projector. I suggest a font with an Old English or gothic style.

3. Focus On What Is Important

Don’t worry if your projector is out of focus. This is not important. What is important is that you showed up on time, brought coffees for the team and wore dark clothing to reduce your visibility from the light spill from the projector. If they can’t see you, they can’t blame you when a sheet change is missed.

4. Creating Hand Shadows

Unintentional hand movements that create shadows are not appropriate when operating an overhead projector. Stick to only using hand shadows that have been approved for “worship” from your church denomination. Some of the most common hand shadows are the fluttering dove, two-finger cross and the Taylor Swift heart.

5. The More Color the Better

If you have the resources to print overhead sheets in color than by all means go crazy. This will only enhance your worship set and give all the young people something to brag to their friends about at school come Monday morning.

April fools!

I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter. If you haven’t read The Worship Media Handbook I encourage you to do so. Unlike this foolishness, it actually has some really helpful information in it.

Read the rest of The Worship Media Handbook