Ready to bring the wow factor to your Easter services? At Church Motion Graphics, we’ve made it easy to utilize the power of visuals to inspire your community in ways like never before. We have products that can bring creativity to every moment of your time worshipping together.
Feature Photo: Piedmont Chapel in High Point, NC
Here’s a simple guide to how you can bring these media elements together:
1. Social Media Posts
Social media is such an important part of reaching your community during the Easter season. Our CMG Library now includes 1500+ social media graphics that make it easy to look great online. Now, we have over 60 specific Easter social graphics, many that match our April 2019 CMG Pack perfectly. Posts like this are a great way to spread the word about your church’s services.
See Easter Social Graphics
2. Welcome Slide
Fill your screens with a welcoming graphic as your guests arrive. All of our CMG Packs come with a Welcome Slide motion, including this one that’s available in the April 2019 CMG pack.
Download April 2019 CMG Pack
3. Announcement Slides
Make it easy for your audience to know what’s happening in your church by using announcement slides. Our CMG Library is filled with many announcement templates like this one that you can customize to fit your event perfectly.
Browse CMG Templates
4. Countdown Timer
Countdown timers make it easy to let your congregation know that it’s time to find a seat as your service begins. A matching countdown video is included in each month’s CMG Pack like this one that’s from the April pack.
Download April 2019 CMG Pack
5. Easter Opener Video
Video openers are a great way to capture the attention of your audience. This Easter, we’ve made a brand new video that matches the April “Foil Vibes” look. It makes it easy to add a special creative element to your services. Or, you can even use it in your promotions.
Learn More About Our Easter Video Opener
6. Worship Backgrounds
Motion backgrounds are the perfect way to create a dynamic visual experience during your church’s worship songs. They bring creativity to an otherwise boring aspect of your service – text lyrics. Each of these motions can be found in the April pack.
Download April 2019 CMG Pack
7. Custom Built Titles
Make it easy for your audience to know what’s happening in each moment of your service with custom titles. Our Title Builder tool allows you to easily create custom stills and motion title slides to fit your ministry’s needs. (These examples where created using resources from the April 2019 CMG Pack.)
Learn More About Title Builder
8. Sermon Graphics
Using a creative visual with your preaching and teaching can create a lasting impression. Our CMG Library is filled with hundreds of customizable sermon templates that make it easy to grab the attention of your congregation during your messages.
Browse CMG Templates
9. Exit Slide
Fill your screens with a friendly graphic saying goodbye as your guests leave. This moving exit background is also included in the April pack.
See All Slides From The April Pack
Want These Looks For Easter?
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