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CMG Profiles: Matt Walden

What do you do?

I provide graphics at live events, conferences and music festivals for production companies and bands all over the world.

What bands and major events have you worked with?

I got my start working Passion Conferences in 2011, and over the years I’ve worked shows in one way or another with pretty much everyone in Christian music. 2014 has been a busy year! I’ve gotten an astronaut to film a video from the International Space Station welcoming students to the 2014 Passion Conference, filmed a tutorial video for Renewed Vision, built lyric files for Crowder’s new album “Neon Steeple”, (I’ve built his lyrics since 2011 when he was in the David Crowder Band) ran content on the LED Wall for Third Day on the “Third Day & Friends Tour”, worked several music festivals, spent some time on the road with Kari Jobe and worked corporate shows in the US, Europe and Asia.

How did you get involved in church media?

I was a youth minister and worship leader in the Catholic Church for about ten years, and during that time, I always built my own media. Eventually it dawned on me that I had more to offer the Church behind the stage than I did on it. I was lucky enough to have connections with people who are heavily involved with the Passion Conferences, and luckily for me they took me under their wing, showed me the ropes and helped me land future gigs.

What software/gear do you use on a regular basis?

I exclusively use Renewed Vision products in live environments. I travel with a custom 2013 Mac Pro and a 2011 17-inch Macbook Pro that runs ProVideoPlayer 2 and ProPresenter 5.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with the CMG community?

Point people to God and not yourself! If at the end of the day people are talking about how great the visuals are and not how great God is, we’ve missed something! Use your gifts to do great work with great quality, but ALWAYS point people to the One who is worthy of praise!

How has the CMG Monthly Pack impacted your ministry?

Honestly, I didn’t think I would use CMG much at first, but over time, CMG have become a regular part of my rotation. I’ve found I use the motions from the CMG Packs at some point or another at every show I work!

How can people find you online?

I’m on Twitter @mattwalden37 and

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